T +49 (0) 30 40 77 94 05
F +49 (0) 30 40 77 94 25
Wunderwald Berlin
Spechtstraße 24a
13505 Berlin
Spechtstraße 24a
13505 Berlin
T +49 (0) 30 40 77 94 05
F +49 (0) 30 40 77 94 25
Spechtstr. 24b,
D-13505 Berlin
Jenny Wunderwald
Peter Wunderwald
Phone: +49 (0) 30 40 77 94 05
Fax: +49 (0) 30 40 77 94 25
Email: info@wunderwald-erlebnistouren.de
Web: www.wunderwald-erlebnistouren.de
Senate Department for Urban Development
Landesamt für Bürger- und Ordnungsangelegenheiten
Driver Licenses, Passenger and Freight Transport Unit
Puttkammerstr. 16-18, 10958 Berlin
Trade Office in the Berlin-Reinickendorf District Office
Membership of the Berlin-Brandenburg Haulage Trade Association
Ust.: 17/600/61368
VAT ID No.: DE135980459
IK-Nr.: 601 105 382
Reinickendorf Tax Office
Wunderwald Berlin
Christine Albrecht
Spechtstraße 24a
D-13505 Berlin
Email: datenschutz@wunderwald-berlin.com
Phone: +49 (0) 30 40 77 94 05
realized by: buero-stuermer.com
We are taking part in the dispute settlement procedure in the Consumer’s arbitration Office!
The responsible Consumer’s arbitration body is:
General Consumer Arbitration Board of the Center for Arbitration e. V.
Straßburger Str. 8
77694 Kehl
Phone: +49 7851 79579 40
Fax: +49 7851 79579 41
Internet: www.verbraucher-schlichter.de
E-Mail: mail@verbraucher-schlichter.de
This Arbitration body is a „General Arbitration body“ according to §4, Paragraph 2, 2 VSBG
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Wunderwald Berlin
Spechtstraße 24a
13505 Berlin